
Until we truly understand how to COMMUNICATION what it is we want from our dogs, we can’t be competent leaders.

Yes, it’s convenient to ask our pups to sit or stay when we need them to. But ultimately, we train for the wellness and welfare of our dogs. To do so, we must be able to communicate with our dogs what we expect, and the boundaries we have set for them.

By establishing a line of communication and a mutual trust that is understood by both dog and human alike, we are able to maneuver through any situation with our companion. A bond develops between dog and dog owner through proper training, a bond that can’t be broken.

Basic obedience training will give you the comfort of knowing that whether on or off-leash your pup will respond to your commands the first time they’re asked, regardless of the distractions that may be around. We can’t have full confidence in our dogs until we can trust them off-leash. Just as it’s important that your Canine Companion learns the five basic commands Sit, Stay, Down, Heel, and Come, it’s just as important that you learn:

Puppy Communication

It’s important that we lay a solid foundation for our pups. Starting at 8 weeks old puppies begin to “learn,” and in many cases, misinterpret our expectations.

By beginning training in this critical stage, we’re able to mold our dogs’ behavior, as opposed to modifying them.

Puppies have a small window of development that we like to call the “imprinting stage.” This is the time where most knowledge is consumed. Imprinting takes place between the ages of 8 weeks and 6 months.

This is the best time to shape your dogs’ temperament and disposition, made possible through effective communication.

Whether that Behavior is for:

The first 6 months is where all the preparation occurs. Through Leash Articulation you can:

Behavioral Intervention

Before you can correct any specific behaviors your puppy must first be taught EVERYTHING through the leash.

In most cases, the undesirable behaviors our dogs exhibit are due to miscommunication. Before we can correct any specific behavior we must first establish a common line of communication. Once we are able to communicate our expectations effectively we can begin to address behavioral issues such as:

Our canines do not rationalize the way that humans do. So we must be certain that we don’t confuse them, create, or exacerbate any behaviors by mishandling. There is no such thing as a dog that cannot be trained, just a lack of effective communication.

Give Your Dog A Job!

You Have to REMEMBER that Dogs are Pack Animals

They live and move in groups or packs, and every person in your household is considered a pack member. With that being said, just as all human members of the pack have a role and responsibilities, so can our dogs! Retrieval, search and rescue, protection or security, emotional support or service work are all jobs that our dogs are more than capable of handling, and surely, more than willing!

Retrieval Training

Retrieval work can be as simple as playing fetch with your companion to retrieving items that were mishandled, carrying, and delivering those items.

Retrieving is the foundation for more complex tasks such as opening doors, carrying bags, picking up dropped items, delivering messages and more.

By teaching your dog to retrieve, you open up a whole new realm of task work possibilities.

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Agility/Sport/Utility Training

Agility, sport, and utility training is great for exercise and a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your companion. Agility courses are designed to fulfill the hunting and chasing desires of your dog.

Even though agility consists of obstacles such as a tunnel, teeter-totter, tire jump, weave poles, pause table, and standard jumps. It can also be used around the home for everyday situations such as crawling under a table, retrieving the remote, recovering mishandled keys. Teamwork is key when it comes to agility/sport/utility training.

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Scent Work

Once your puppy has a solid foundation for retrieval we can begin scent work.

Even though you may not be looking for your canine companion to detect drugs or medical conditions, scent work may still be beneficial for your household or family activity.

Teach your dog to use his nose to find hidden objects, keys, wallet, keep an eye on the children!.

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Service Work

Service dogs are for those who need their companion to assist them with a disability.

These disabilities may consist of visual impairment, hearing impairment, seizure disorder, mobility and stability impairment, and diabetes.

Service dogs perform tasks such as guiding, retrieval, aid mobility, alert, and transport.

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Protection Training

To bring the best out of your dog, even though you may want them to protect your home, it is important that they are still properly socialized.

Though it is your job as the leader to determine what is a threat and what is not a threat, it is also your job as the leader to know when to allow your canine companion to take lead.

Our dogs are just waiting for us to give the signal!

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Security Training

Are you looking to secure your home or business?

These dogs are trained to keep unwanted personnel off of the premises without leaving the boundaries of the property.

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Board & Train Program

We NEVER train in a kennel environment!

An opportunity to have your dog trained by one of our Through The Leash Canine Specialists! It does not get any better than this! When boarding your companion with Through The Leash your dog will be out and active during the day working through real-world distractions (parks, stores, shopping centers, malls, and anywhere else we can find natural distractions). There will also be monitored daily socialization with other pups as well.
Your pup becomes a member of your assigned Canine Specialists’ home for 10-14 days. In which time, they will receive 24-hour individual attention, allowing us to lay a solid foundation for you and your canine companion.

Completion of Board & Train

At the completion of your companions board & train program, YOUR training will begin. Again, we stress the importance of teaching you (the leader) to effectively communicate with your pups. You have to play an active role in the process to guarantee success!

Are You Eligible?

Yes, you are eligible for the Board & Train Program with Through The Leash Dog Behavior & Training! We cover all states in the U.S. No matter where you are in the U.S. if you are interested in our Board & Train Program contact us to inquire about your next step to a well-behaved canine.

During Your Pup’s Stay

  • During your 10-14 day period you are able to schedule visits to see your dog as often as you would like.
  • Every moment is a training moment.
  • Your dog will be placed into numerous socialization and enrichment groups.
  • You will be updated daily on your dogs’ progress.

Search & Rescue

Through The Leash Workshops

We offer Through the Leash enrichment programs at your organization. Our workshops are designed to teach your staff and volunteers how to handle the dogs in your facility on a daily basis.

We will conduct an individual assessment of each of your shelter dogs, teach your crew the proper way to move dogs throughout the facility, how to provide enrichment within the kennel, grouping or color-coding dogs based on temperament, and most importantly how to implement a universal line of communication understood by your staff, and dogs, alike.

The size of your staff and the number of dogs in your facility will determine the number of days we spend on-site!

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Through The Leash Adviserships

We offer Through the Leash Adviserships to shelter personnel and volunteers. The focus is, and will always be, working with shelter animals.

By increasing the understanding of canine behavior, the effects of sheltering, and how to communicate with our counterparts we can enhance the quality of life for those dogs in care, and save lives!

Our adviserships focus on the implementation of daily playgroups, and teaching boundaries and manners through a structured kennel program, and maybe most importantly, leash etiquette.

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Behavior Modification Program

(Board & Train Options available)

ThroughTheLeash's Behavior Modification Program is designed to help dogs overcome behavioral challenges and develop more desirable and balanced behaviors. Our experienced and certified trainers specialize in addressing a wide range of behavioral issues, including aggression, fear, anxiety, excessive barking, separation anxiety, leash reactivity, and more.

Our Behavior Modification Program begins with a thorough assessment of your dog's specific behavioral concerns. We take the time to understand the underlying causes and triggers for their behaviors, ensuring that our training approach is tailored to their unique needs. We believe in a holistic approach that considers both the dog's physical and emotional well-being.

During the program, our trainers utilize positive reinforcement techniques to reshape your dog's behavior and promote positive changes. We focus on teaching alternative, more appropriate behaviors while addressing the root causes of the problematic behaviors. Our trainers work closely with you, the owner, providing guidance and support to ensure a collaborative and successful training experience.

Boot Camp For Puppies Training Programs, Puppy BootCamp - Through The Leash

The Behavior Modification Program is conducted in a structured and controlled environment, where we gradually introduce your dog to real-life scenarios and controlled social interactions. We utilize desensitization and counter-conditioning techniques to help your dog become more comfortable and confident in challenging situations. Our goal is to help your dog build trust, overcome fears, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Throughout the program, we emphasize consistent reinforcement and clear communication to ensure lasting behavioral changes. Our trainers provide you with the necessary tools, strategies, and knowledge to continue the behavior modification process beyond the program duration. We empower you as the owner to maintain the progress achieved and support your dog's ongoing growth.

At ThroughTheLeash, we understand that every dog is unique, and their behavior modification journey requires a customized approach. Our Behavior Modification Program is designed to address the specific needs of your dog, focusing on building trust, promoting positive behaviors, and improving their overall well-being. We are committed to helping you and your dog achieve a harmonious and fulfilling relationship through effective behavior modification techniques.

Dogs Behavior Training Programs, Puppy BootCamp - Through The Leash

Canine Good Citizen Program

The ThroughTheLeash Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program is a comprehensive and highly regarded training and certification program designed to enhance the bond between dogs and their owners while promoting responsible pet ownership. This program is aimed at ensuring that dogs are well-behaved, obedient, and capable of being trusted in various real-life situations.

The CGC program focuses on teaching dogs the necessary skills and behaviors to be well-mannered members of society. It covers a wide range of essential training areas, including obedience, temperament, socialization, and manners. The program is suitable for dogs of all ages, breeds, and sizes, from puppies to adult dogs.

Through a structured curriculum, the CGC program addresses key aspects such as:

  1. Basic obedience: Dogs learn fundamental commands like sit, stay, down, come, and walking on a loose leash. These skills form the foundation for good behavior and effective communication between the dog and owner.
  2. Controlled behavior: Dogs are trained to exhibit self-control in various scenarios, such as remaining calm around distractions, waiting patiently, and not jumping on people.
  3. Socialization: Dogs are exposed to different environments, people, and other animals, helping them become comfortable and well-adjusted in various social settings. This promotes a friendly and confident demeanor.
  4. Good manners: Dogs learn proper etiquette, including greeting people politely, not begging for food, not stealing items, and being well-behaved during handling, grooming, and veterinary visits.
  5. Responsible dog ownership: The CGC program educates owners about their responsibilities, such as providing proper care, nutrition, exercise, and regular veterinary check-ups. It also emphasizes the importance of keeping dogs on a leash and adhering to local laws and regulations.

Upon completion of the CGC program, dogs can take an evaluation test to assess their skills and behavior. This test evaluates their performance in real-life situations, ensuring they can handle common challenges and distractions. Dogs that pass the evaluation receive the official CGC certification, a recognition that showcases their training and good citizenship.

The ThroughTheLeash Canine Good Citizen Program provides dog owners with a structured and effective framework to train their dogs and instill positive behaviors. By participating in this program, owners not only create a well-behaved companion but also contribute to a safer and more harmonious community.

Puppy Boot Camp Program

(Board & Train Options available)

ThroughTheLeash's Puppy Boot Camp offers two options: the In-Home and Board and Train programs, both designed to provide comprehensive and effective training for your puppy.

  1. In-Home Puppy Boot Camp: Our In-Home Puppy Boot Camp is a personalized training program conducted in the comfort of your own home. Our experienced trainers will come to your residence and work closely with your puppy to address specific behavioral issues and teach them essential obedience skills. This option is ideal for busy dog owners who prefer the convenience of training within their familiar environment.

    During the In-Home Puppy Boot Camp, our trainers will assess your puppy's individual needs and tailor the training program accordingly. We focus on positive reinforcement techniques to promote good behavior and teach foundational commands such as sit, stay, come, and leash walking. We will also address common puppy challenges like house training, chewing, and socialization.

    Our trainers will work closely with you, providing guidance and support, to ensure that you can continue reinforcing the training techniques once the program is completed. The In-Home Puppy Boot Camp is designed to empower you as the owner and build a strong bond between you and your puppy.
Dogs Behavior Modification Training Programs - Through The Leash
  1. Board and Train Puppy Boot Camp: The Board and Train Puppy Boot Camp offers an immersive training experience for your puppy in a controlled and stimulating environment. Your puppy will stay with our skilled trainers at our specialized training facility, where they will receive intensive training and socialization.

    During their stay, your puppy will engage in structured training sessions, group play, and supervised socialization with other dogs to enhance their social skills and behavior. Our trainers will focus on obedience training, manners, impulse control, and problem-solving based on your puppy's individual needs.

    Our Board and Train program offers a structured routine, ensuring consistent reinforcement of training techniques. Your puppy will receive multiple daily training sessions, walks, mental stimulation, and ample opportunities for socialization. This immersive experience helps accelerate their learning process in a controlled and supportive environment.

    Upon completion of the program, we provide you with a comprehensive handover session to transfer the training techniques and knowledge to you as the owner. We will guide you on how to maintain and build upon the training foundation established during the Board and Train program.

    Both the In-Home and Board and Train options aim to set your puppy up for a lifetime of success by addressing behavioral issues, teaching essential commands, and promoting positive socialization. ThroughTheLeash's Puppy Boot Camp programs prioritize the development of a well-behaved, confident, and happy puppy, while also ensuring that you, as the owner, have the skills and knowledge to continue their training journey.

Dogs Behavior Modification Training Programs, Puppy BootCamp - Through The Leash

Serivce & Working Dog Programs

ThroughTheLeash's Service and Working Dog Program is specifically designed to provide comprehensive training and support for service dogs, therapy dogs, and working dogs. We understand the critical role these dogs play in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities, as well as their invaluable contributions in various working capacities.

Our Service and Working Dog Program begins with a thorough evaluation to assess the dog's temperament, aptitude, and suitability for the specific role or task. We work closely with you, the handler or owner, to understand your needs and goals, ensuring that our training program aligns with your requirements.

Our experienced trainers specialize in training service dogs for individuals with disabilities, therapy dogs for providing comfort and support, and working dogs for various professional settings such as search and rescue, detection, and assistance tasks. We have expertise in training dogs for mobility assistance, medical alert, PTSD support, autism support, and more.

The training in our Service and Working Dog Program is highly customized and based on positive reinforcement techniques. We focus on teaching advanced obedience commands, task-specific skills, and behavior management techniques. Our trainers emphasize clear communication, consistency, and the development of a strong bond between the handler and the dog.

Throughout the program, we provide comprehensive training sessions, both individually and in group settings, to expose the dogs to various real-life scenarios and environments. We prioritize socialization, desensitization, and controlled exposure to help the dogs adapt and perform confidently in different situations.

Our trainers also provide guidance and support in the selection and placement of suitable dogs for specific roles. We can assist with assessing potential candidates for service or working roles, ensuring that the dog's temperament and characteristics align with the demands of the job.

At ThroughTheLeash, we understand the profound impact that well-trained service and working dogs can have on the lives of individuals and the communities they serve. Our Service and Working Dog Program is designed to empower dogs and handlers, providing them with the necessary skills, confidence, and support to excel in their respective roles. We are dedicated to helping you and your dog reach new heights of success and fulfillment in the service and working dog field.

Book a Meet & Greet

Thank you for visiting ThroughtheLeash.com. Please fill out the form below and one of our Certified Canine Specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

Can’t wait? Call us at (877) 954-0134